Photos making rounds on social media seemed to suggest that Kenyan gospel singer, Bahati got married to model, Diana Marua The couple was dressed for a wedding, Bahati in a suit and tie while his bride rocked a white wedding gown Apparently, a 21-year-old Bahati, a Kenyan gospel singer walked down the aisle in secrecy and Kenyans on social media are unable to deal. Diana Marua, the girl assumed to his new wife -a model and video vixen was once linked to comedian Jalang’o and Harambee Stars captain, Victor Wanyama. A mock wedding between Bahati and Diana Maura Close scrutiny on the supposed wedding photos doesn’t show any wedding ring which proves that this is yet another of the singer’s publicity stunts. It is usual Bahati fashion to court controversy when he has a new project in the works. The singer was congratulated on social media by gospel singer...